Winter weather is finally here, and it already seems like snow is always falling or only days away from blanketing the region again. Because your home or business need for fuel delivery during a snowstorm won’t decrease, Tevis Energy works hard to complete delivery routes while practicing the highest standards of safety to protect your property and our drivers. Our ability to successfully deliver your heating oil depends on the preparations made before, during and after a snowstorm.
Navigating heating oil deliveries during inclement weather conditions can be tricky, and we always want to know that our heating oil delivery customers receive prompt service. For the protection of your property and the safety of our drivers, Tevis Energy recommends taking the following precautions.
What does a fuel delivery during a snowstorm look like for a heating oil customer? That depends on the preparations made to the location prior to delivery. The driver will arrive at the property and attempt to find the intake pipe. When the homeowner prepares the property ahead of delivery, things will most likely go smoothly. Remember that the sun sets early in the winter, so drivers might be searching for things in the dark. Property owners can help by shoveling out a path and marking the path and pipe with utility flags. This prevents the driver from having to trek through deep snow to locate the fill pipe. However, if the path has not been cleared, the driver will need to shovel out the path and trudge through the snow to make the delivery.

Order heating oil when your gauge is at 1/4
In the days before a snowstorm, will-call customers will want to monitor tank levels, If possible, schedule a heating oil delivery before the snow starts to fall. If you are unsure about your tank levels or usage, contact us, and we will gladly help determine if delivery should be arranged.

Clear Snow From Fill Pipe
With the threat of inclement weather looming over the mid-Eastern states, a little preparation goes a long way for heating oil delivery driver! Our drivers appreciate a clear path from the street to the intake pipe. Using a utility marker near the fill pipe is the cherry on top! Mark both sides of the path with utility flags and place another flag directly by the pipe. If the snow forecast calls for over a foot of snow, use longer-length flags to stake things out. The more prepared a delivery location is, the higher the likelihood that your delivery will be a safe one for your property and our driver.
To learn more about our Automatic Delivery program or to request a heating oil delivery, contact us today online or by calling (410) 876-6800. Tevis Energy is proud to be a family-owned and operated business serving communities throughout Maryland and Pennsylvania with safe, clean-burning heating oil.