In wintertime, temperatures often plunge to uncomfortable and sometimes even dangerous levels. The good news is that you can rely on an oil heating system in winter to keep your home warm. You just have to verify that you always have sufficient fuel oil in your heating oil tank for consistently maintaining a comfortable indoor environment. This can be a bit of a challenge given that fuel use tends to vary according to changes in outside temperatures. It also depends on the overall size of a home, heating system age your home’s insulation, heating preferences, and many other factors. So, how do you determine how much home heating oil you need during winter?
How Much Heating Oil Will Your Home Need This Winter?
This article offers some tips for accurately estimating your heating oil use this winter. We also share a few simple tips for reducing your heating oil use. This way, your home heating costs are more manageable.
Tips For Determining The Capacity Of Your Heating Oil Tank
You should start by determining exactly how much oil your heating oil tank can hold. Even the smallest of tanks can store as much as 100 gallons. Most homes have above-ground tanks that have a maximum capacity of 275 gallons. Tanks with larger capacities are generally designed for underground storage. Keep in mind that the listed capacity of a tank is not the actual amount of fuel that it can hold. Tanks that have a maximum capacity of 275 gallons can typically only hold 225 gallons. The remainder of the tank accounts for miscellaneous debris and air. You can get a lot of pertinent info by simply reviewing your oil delivery receipt.
Ways To Estimate Your Winter Requirements For Heating Oil
One way to calculate your heating oil requirements is by multiplying your rate of oil consumption with the period of use. For instance, oil-burning furnaces often use about 0.8 to 1.7 gallons of fuel each hour. This figure may be printed right on the nozzle, burner, or manufacturer’s plate. Think about the number of hours that your furnace is on each day. Keep in mind that the listed number will likely be for ideal conditions and for new units. As heating equipment ages, fuel consumption tends to rise due to increasing inefficiency.
Another strategy for estimating your fuel use in winter is to check out what your past consumption rates were. This helpful strategy works for anyone who has been living in their home for several years. Search for older heating bills to see how much fuel you have used during previous winter seasons. You can calculate the average fuel use to get a pretty accurate idea of how much fuel you’re likely to use this winter. You can perform additional calculations to determine daily, weekly, and monthly estimates for fuel use. Read the long-term weather forecast as you may find that lower than average temperatures during the forthcoming winter will make it necessary for your household to use more fuel than usual.
If this is your first winter in a new home, then consider asking neighbors with similar homes, heating systems, and heating needs so that you can get a very rough estimate of anticipated fuel use. It is also a good idea to request an educated guess from a trusted heating oil supplier based upon the factors mentioned above. During a very cold stretch, using an average of three to six gallons of fuel oil each day is actually quite common.
Strategies For Reducing Your Fuel Use This Winter
Put On Layers
Using lots of heating oil will invariably lead to larger bills. If you’re looking to cut your costs in this area, then be ready to take a few drastic measures. Start by building a higher tolerance to cooler indoor temperatures. Before you turn on your heater, think about adding a few layers of clothing to warm up.
Use Your Window Coverings Strategically
Open your curtains to let the natural light flow in. With the resulting solar heat gains, you may find that it is only necessary to turn your heater on at night. Likewise, pull your curtains or blinds closed during the evening hours so that cold air does not have the opportunity to seep in.
Invest In A Programmable Thermostat
Make sure that your thermostat is on a low setting when the house is empty. Investing in a programmable thermostat will make this easy to do, especially if your schedule is fairly consistent. The goal is ultimately to make your heater work less so that far less fuel oil is being burned.
Invest In A Tune-Up For Your HVAC System
To control fuel consumption and keep your heater working efficiently, make routine HVAC maintenance a top priority. Professional HVAC technicians can clean your home heating equipment. Likewise, they can make important system adjustments and perform many other tasks to keep your furnace in top shape. These are relatively low-cost services that provide impressive value in the long run.
Add Insulation And Seal Up All Air Leaks
Finally, add some insulation throughout your home where needed. Seal up any air leaks at the doors and windows. Find out whether you can add additional insulating materials to your walls and roof. This will ensure that no warm air is escaping so that the furnace doesn’t have to work harder than it’s meant to.
Get In Touch With A Reputable Fuel Oil Supplier
Saving on your home heating costs is easy when you choose a reputable heating oil delivery supplier like Tevis Energy. We are local oil suppliers with long-standing reputations and competitive prices on heating oil. They also offer multiple delivery options and financing plans.
When To Schedule Heating Oil Service
If you’re using C.O.D. delivery services or will-call oil delivery, be sure to contact your oil supplier when your fuel oil tank is at about 30 percent of its total capacity. This will ensure that you never run out of fuel, even during times of extreme weather.
Contact Tevis Energy For Your Home Heating Oil Needs
Tevis Energy is a trustworthy HVAC company and heating oil delivery company that services central Maryland and southern Pennsylvania. Our company offers affordable and the most competitive heating oil prices in the area. Our goal is to provide you with excellent products and services. When you choose us to be your oil supplier, you can rest easy knowing that you will have correct and prompt heating oil deliveries at the best possible prices. Furthermore, we offer various heating oil delivery plans and financing options, as a way to customize your oil deliveries. Be sure to call us today to learn more.
Tevis Energy has certified and highly trained HVAC technicians to cater to all your heating and cooling needs. We guarantee that each of our techs has the experience, skills, and knowledge to provide excellent HVAC services. Our team can assist you with installations, repairs, maintenance, and much more. Our superior HVAC solutions always come at affordable costs.
Call us today to learn more about the products and services our company offers. We provide free, in-home estimates.
You can click here to contact us now or call us at (410) 876-6800 to find out more!