Tevis Energy News & Articles

image of homeowner itching skin from dry indoor air in winter

How To Combat Dry Air Symptoms In Winter

January 18, 2021

Winter brings with it many wonderful things. However, it also comes with several inconveniences, such as dry indoor air. This issue can actually cause several potentially harmful problems. This article discusses dry air symptoms, how it impacts your home’s air quality and a few suggestions on how to resolve the issue.

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image of common heating oil delivery scams

Don’t Become A Victim Of A Heating Oil Scam

January 11, 2021

Unfortunately, scams are present in all types of businesses, including those that deal with heating oil deliveries. Any unsuspecting person can fall victim. Fortunately, having some awareness of existing scams and using prevention strategies can protect you. In this article, we discuss what you should keep an eye out for.

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What To Look For In A Boiler Repair Company

January 4, 2021

You might think that you are saving money when you conduct DIY repairs, but you will pay more in the long run. Let a professional boiler repair company handle all the boiler problems you have. This article will discuss what you should look for when searching for the right boiler repair service company.

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house in winter waiting for an oil delivery

Time to Prepare for Your Heating Oil Delivery

December 28, 2020

Preparing your home for a heating oil delivery in the winter is important. This article discusses what you should consider before your oil delivery takes place. This way, you can ensure that you receive the oil that you need to stay warm while keeping your delivery driver safe.

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image of a construction site and machinery

Top Benefits Of On-Site Fueling Services For Construction Sites

December 21, 2020

Large construction sites are filled with heavy equipment that requires fuel to run every day. Construction companies can get fuel outside the site and come back to load the vehicles. They could also call delivery companies for on-site construction fuel delivery. The latter is becoming the more popular option because of its numerous benefits.

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feeling chilly due to a heating system breakdown

What To Do When You Have A Home Heating Emergency

December 14, 2020

Heating systems break down at the most inconvenient times-usually in the middle of a cold snap when we need them the most. It is unfortunate that a heating emergency is something that many people go through. In this article, we focus on ways to remain warm and safe while waiting for an HVAC contractor.

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image of a homeowner who ran out of heating oil

Steps To Take If You Run Out Of Heating Oil

December 7, 2020

Although you should try to prevent running out of oil, it happens to the best of us. Fortunately, there are still a few things that can be done when your heating oil tank is empty. This way, your entire household can stay safe and warm while awaiting your next fuel oil delivery.

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image of scarf around house depicting home heating

Why Do Heating Oil Prices Fluctuate?

November 23, 2020

You might notice that the heating oil prices that you paid last winter may be different from what you pay this season. Heating oil prices change continuously. Homeowners are aware of this, but not everyone might understand the reason behind it. This article discusses some of the primary factors that affect home heating oil costs.

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feeling chilly due to malfunctioning furnace

Must-Know Furnace Repair Tips For Homeowners

November 16, 2020

Your comfort and safety during the winter should be a top priority. This article covers a few of the usual indicators that your furnace requires a repair. It also includes a few must-know repair tips. Additionally, we discuss how you can find the most suitable HVAC repair company near you.

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